Formerly the largest gasworks in Europe, Beckton Gasworks is a site alive with history.

Located within London’s largest regeneration areas at the heart of Newham, we would like to develop this derelict site into a thriving neighbourhood that celebrates the site’s unique industrial past.

If you would like to get involved or understand more about the project, get in touch here. We would love to hear from you.


St William’s planning application for Beckton Gasworks is now available on the Councils website.

You can view all the information by searching the below references on the Council’s Planning Portal.

Outline Application: 24/00989/OUT

Detailed Application: 24/00990/FUL

The local community will be integral to the design process. That’s why we have created this website to hear your views, find out how you would like to work with us and keep you updated on the proposals.

If you would like to get involved or understand more about the project, get in touch here. We would love to hear from you.


St William is part of the Berkeley Group and specialises in the redevelopment of redundant gasworks sites. Our goal is to unlock some of the most technically complex regeneration sites at the heart of communities across London and South of England, transforming them into beautiful places for people to live, work and spend time.

Through our landscape led approach to design we restore these sites into places that will make a significant long term contribution to the environmental, social and economic fabric of the community.

Updates will be posted to this website throughout the project.